#Dog# #7kg# #hip joint-other position-other fracture# #hip joint-other position-THR#

Awesome! Bichon Frise Bilateral Total Hip Replacement Revisited About One and a Half Years Later

Nanjing Ai-Bi Veterinary Medicine Center of JiangsuDr. Wu2023-02-14 311

Bichon Frise, female, 7 kg, suffered from bilateral ischemic necrosis of her femoral head.

One year and four months ago (2021.07), a total hip replacement was performed on her right leg using BlueSAO cemented Micro&Nano Hip System. The implant used φ12mm cemented cup, #1 cemented femoral stem, φ8mm (+0) femoral head, and antibiotic bone cement, and she recovered well after surgery.

Two months later (2021.09), we performed a total hip replacement on her left leg using the same cemented Micro&Nano Hip System from BlueSAO. The implant type was the same as the one used in her right leg. Using φ12mm cemented cup, #1 cemented femoral stem, φ8mm (+0) femoral head, and antibiotic bone cement, the surgery was a success!

The owner brought the dog in for a review today. the X-rays showed that the implant is stable and reliable. The dog is walking and running normally. The dog has fully recovered and is living a normal dog's life.

BlueSAO Biological Hip System has stood the test of time. Safer and more reliable!

The Cemented Hip System is now the mainstream choice for total hip replacement surgery in small dogs and cats worldwide. It can obtain immediate joint stability and significantly reduce the cost of total hip replacement for small dogs and cats, and is being recognized and accepted by more and more pet owners in China.

First total hip replacement about one and a half years ago (right leg, 2021.07)

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO