Congratulations to ThinaImEx & BlueSAO on the success of the pelvic fracture workshop


Congratulations to ThinaImEx & BlueSAO pelvic fracture workshop held in Bangkok agricultural university, Thailand!

This is the largest pelvic exercise course in Thailand at present. Wish this training meeting a complete success!

BlueSAO, let the world know China small animal orthopedics! In the Pelvic fractures workshop, the Thai doctors focus seriously, from Thailand agriculture university lecturers and guidance, unriddling, Thai doctors to bring a high quality Pelvic Fracture Workshop!

Pelvic fractures workshop, the Thai doctors focus on seriously, from Thailand agriculture university lecturers and guidance, unriddling, Thai doctors to bring a high quality Pelvic Fracture Workshop!

BlueSAO, let the world know China small animal orthopedics!

Bangkok · Thailand agricultural university, the workshop subject is DPO surgery. The BlueSAO DPO system, PRCL system and power tools were highly praised by the lecturers and doctors in Thailand!

ThinaImEx & BlueSAO pelvic fracture workshop ended successfully in the second day!

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO