BlueSAO Malaysia THR International Class successfully concluded its second day amidst busyness!


The second day of BlueSAO Malaysia Total Hip Replacement International Class has begun! Teacher Zhou Luoping is explaining the Bailu bionic hip joint system to doctors from various countries,

This is the world's first animal hip replacement system developed by Bailu, and the inventor is Professor Zhou Luoping,

Chinese original, once released, it has received high attention and recognition from veterinarians around the world, and I am very proud!

After the theoretical class in the morning, I finished my lunch early, took a short break, and then came the doctors' favorite practical exercise class.

At the laboratory of the International School of Medicine at MSU University in Malaysia, Professor Zhou Luoping, Professor Li Yongqi, and Professor Chen Weili first gave a complete teaching demonstration of surgical procedures for everyone.

Next, doctors from various countries will practice in groups, and the teachers will provide patient and meticulous guidance to each group.

Although practical exercises are high-intensity, all doctors are very excited and express a strong thirst for knowledge!

BlueSAO Malaysia THR International Class successfully concluded its second day amidst busyness!

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO