Portugal - BlueSAO Orthopedic Training PGR Practical Training+Theoretical Lecture Successfully Completed!

2024-11-11 493

On November 1, 2024, BlueSAO successfully held a small animal orthopedic training session in Porto, Portugal for the first time: PGR practical operation+theoretical lecture!

This practical course was held at the 12th Postmaster's Conference in Traumatology and Orthopedics in 2024, jointly organized by the renowned Gaia Veterinary Hospital in Portugal and Complutense University in Madrid, Spain.

During the conference, it is an honor to invite Dr. Alvaro Chasan from CEU Veterinary Clinical Hospital to study the PGR system course together, which has added more professional practical and theoretical knowledge guidance to this course. Thank you very much for your wonderful sharing, teacher!

All attending doctors highly praised Bailu's training courses and the Bailu orthopedic instrument products used in practical operations! Thank you to all the doctors for their trust and support of BlueSAO! Thank you very much to Sergio Alves, Flavio Alves, Beren, and the entire team at Gaia Veterinary Hospital for their efforts in organizing and organizing the conference! I also give a thumbs up to the colleagues of BlueSAO Spain team for this cross-border service!

Congratulations once again on the complete success of this training session!

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO