Madrid, Spain - Bailu Orthopedic Training "TPLO+PGR" International Course Successfully Completed!

2024-12-21 554


Date: December 13, 2024 Venue: Madrid, Spain Warm congratulations on the successful completion of the BlueSAO Orthopedic Training Conference in Madrid, the capital of Spain! The main lecturer for this course is Dr., a well-known orthopedic lecturer from Argentina Esteban Mele, thank you very much for the wonderful course that the teacher has brought to everyone! Thank you to our Spanish veterinarian friends for their love towards BlueSAO and for giving high praise to the quality of BlueSAO products! Thumbs up to the hard work of BlueSAO Spain colleagues! Special thanks to our beautiful colleague Maria Marcet for her careful planning and organization! Congratulations again on the successful completion of this training session!

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO