In Lima, Peru, BlueSAO's Latin American Orthopedic Training Base, the three-day first TPLO (Advanced Class) of Bioland officially started today! Dr. Brian Beale, a world-renowned lecturer in small animal orthopedics from the United States, brought you the first theoretical lesson this morning.
The TPLO preoperative planning class began, and Mr. Brian used VPOP software to demonstrate surgical planning for everyone. After the demonstration, everyone began to use the software in groups for TPLO preoperative planning.
All the time in the afternoon is TPLO practical course, first of all, Mr. Brian will conduct the teaching demonstration of each subject, after each surgical demonstration, the doctors in each group will start the practical practice according to the surgical plan they made on the software in the morning, everything is in order!
BlueSAO's first TPLO (advanced class), a new course, in-depth analysis, the first day ended successfully!
Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO