#Dog# #8Months# #6.2kg# #pelvis-other position-other fracture# #veterbera-other position-other fracture#

20181017 -【Fracture of pelvis and veterbera】A poodle, fixed with PRCL-M, PRCL-S system and bone cement successfully

Beijing AiFu Animal HospitalDr. Niu2018-11-05 1640

A poodle, 8 months old, male, 6.2kg, was hit in a car accident, caused a pelvic fracture and dislocation of L4-5 vertebra, couldn't stand up. We do a surgery for him, fixed with double BlueSAO PRCL locking plates for pelvis and bone cement for vertebra. Hope the guy recover soon.

Thanks for Dr. Niu from Beijing AiFu Animal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO