#Dog# #36Months# #6.6kg# #pelvis-other position-other fracture#

20210603 -【Fracture of pelvis】A Schnauzer, fixed with PRCL-M system successfully

Beijing Quanxinquanyi Chongai banlv Animal HospitalDr.Han2021-06-16 735

A Schnauzer, 3 years old, female, 6.6kg, hit by a car, caused a fracture of pelvis. We fixed the iliumby using BlueSAO PRCL-M9mmlocking plate and fixed the sacroiliac joint by usinglag screw. One week after the surgery, the dog can walk normally. Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for Dr.Han from Beijing Quanxinquanyi Chongai banlv Animal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO