#Dog# #8Months# #7.5kg# #femur-other position-other fracture#

20180911 - 【Repairing of femoral fracture】A Chinese rural dog, fixed with PRCL-M system successfully

Maoming Mingya Animal HospitalDr. Xu2019-01-02 1299

A Chinese rural dog, 8 months old,female, 7.5kg, beaten by someone, caused a femoral fracture. The first surgery done in another hospital was failed ten days ago according to less strength bone plate, caused the screws broken and the second fracture again. So we repaired it by using double BlueSAO PRCL-8mm locking plates.

Thanks for Dr. Xu from Maoming Mingya Animal Hospital of Guangdong province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO