#Dog# #6.5Months# #14kg# #femur-other position-other fracture# #knee joint-other position-PGR#

A difficult clinical case of femoral deformity correction and patellar groove replacement

Maoming Mingya Animal HospitalDr.Xu2021-09-30 701

An Old English Sheepdog, 6.5 months old, male, 14kg. Thepetowner said that he had a growth plate fracture at the age of 4 months, and the pet ownerfollowed the advice of the local animal clinicfor conservative treatment without surgery.One month later, malunion occurred, causing femoral valgus and torsion of the distal femur, and further causing claudication and lateral patellar luxation. After imaging examination, a surgical plan was formulated. During the surgery, osteotomy was required to correct the valgus and twisted femur, and artificial patellar groove replacement (PGR) was also required. The double BlueSAO PRCL-L10mm locking plates was used for the bone after osteotomy, and the 6# prosthesis was used in PGR surgery. The surgery went smoothly, and he could walk with weight 24 hours after the surgery.

Thanks for Dr.Xu from Maoming Mingya Animal Hospital of Guangdong province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO