#Cat# #156Months# #5.5kg# #ulna-other position-other fracture# #elbow joint-other position-luxation#

2020930 -【Fracture of ulna+Dislocation of elbow joint】A cat, fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Beijing Quanxinquanyi Chongai banlv Animal HospitalDr.Han2021-10-12 680

A cat, 13 years old, female, neutered, 5.5kg. When she went out for an hour, her ulnawas broken and her elbow joint was dislocated. The cause of the fracture was unknown. Considering her heavy weight and old age, thedoubleBlueSAO PRCL-S5mmlocking plateswereused for internal fixation on the lateral and medialsidesof the ulnaduring the surgery. We suturedthe articular capsule to fix the elbow joint. The cat recovered well after surgery.

Thanks for Dr.Hanfrom Beijing Quanxinquanyi Chongai banlvAnimal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO