#Other# #3.5kg# #femur-middle-comminuted fracture#

20180428 -【Comminuted fracture of femur】An Arctic fox, fixed with PRCL-S system successfully.

Liuzhou Wangwang Animal HospitalDr. Jiang2019-01-03 1274

An Arctic fox, female, 3.5kg, suffered from a comminuted fracture of femur. Considering that it is a wild animal, we fixed the femur by using BlueSAO PRCL-6.5mm locking plate+Intramedullary pin .

Thanks to the rescue of Liuzhou Animal Protection Association of Guangxi province and Wangwang Animal Hospital, this guy has recovered and returned to freedom.

Thanks for Dr. Jiang from Liuzhou Wangwang Animal Hospital of Guangxi province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO