#Dog# #12Months# #2.5kg# #ilium-other position-other fracture#

20211224 -【Fracture of ilium】A cat, fixed with T-shape locking plate of PRCL- S system successfully

Xiamen Ruipai Kangbao Animal Hospital of FujianDr. Wu2022-01-05 777

A cat, one year old, female (unneutered), 2.5Kg. The cat's left ilium fractured due to falling from a building. During the surgery, the BlueSAO T-shape locking plate of PRCL-S5mmwas used for internal fixation. The reduction was good and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Thanks for Dr. Wu from Xiamen Ruipai Kangbao Animal Hospital of Fujian province bringing the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO