#Dog# #48Months# #4kg# #patellar-other position-luxation# #pelvis-other position-PGR#

20220317 -【Patellar luxation】A Pomeranian, PGR surgery successfully

Beijing Henuan Animal HospitalDr.Niu2022-03-28 785

A Pomeranian, 4 years old, male, castrated, 4Kg. The medial patella luxation ofthe leftleg was grade 3, and themedial patella luxation ofthe right leg was grade 2. He had previously undergone trochlear deepeningand TTTT surgery on both legs, and recurrence occurred after surgery. This surgery was a repair operation, and it was found during the surgery that the right joint hyperplasia was more serious than before, so it was decided to perform a patellar groove replacement. The iBlueVet software was used for precise surgical planning before surgery, and the PGR system of BlueSAO was used for surgery. Implant: PGR-3# prosthesis. The surgery went well and we look forward to a speedy recovery.

Thanks for Dr.Niu from Beijing HenuanAnimal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO