#Cat# #6.2kg# #femoral head-other position-other fracture# #hip joint-other position-THR#

20220320-【Fracture of femoral head】A cat, THR surgery successfully

Kunming Hengjia Animal HospitalDr. Du2022-03-29 684

A shorthair cat called Wenhao, male, castrated, 6.2Kg. He had a decalcifiedfracture of the right femoral head, and underwent total hip replacement two months earlier and recovered well after surgery. At that time, the veterinarian told the pet owner that the risk of the left femoral head was also greater. Then, after re-examination, it was found that the same problem occurred on the left side. Compared with the right side, the left side was also accompanied by muscle atrophy. The owner chose to perform total hip replacement on the cat's left leg. The BlueSAOMicro&Nano Hip System was used during the surgery. The implants: 12mm cemented cup, 3# cemented femoral stem, and 8mm (+0) femoral head.

The surgery went well. The postoperative imaging showed that the angle of the acetabular cup was reasonable, and the implantation of the femoral stem was reasonable. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Thanks for Dr. Du from Kunming Hengjia Animal Hospital of Yunnan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO