#Dog# #60Months# #10.6kg# ##

20220824-【Rupture of cranial cruciate ligament】A Welsh Corgi dog, fixed with TPLO-S system successfully

Kunming Hengjia Animal HospitalDr. Du2022-09-22 660

A Welsh Corgi dog, named Taoguan, 5 years old, male, 10.6kg.The right hind limb remained lameness for several days. The drawer test was positive of right hind limb. We found that his left hind limb suffers muscle atrophy and the the drawer test was positive. Combined with the Digital Radiography imaging, the cranial cruciate ligament rupture was diagnosedof bilateral legs. It was decided to perform TPLOsurgery.During the surgery, the BlueSAO TPLO-6.5mm L pure titanium locking plate and R15mm saw bladewas used for internal fixation.The PostoperativeX-raysrevealed that thereduction was very goodand the correction angle was perfect. Best wishes for an early recovery

Thanks to Dr. Du from Kunming Hengjia Animal Hospital of Yunnan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO