#Dog# #72Months# #13kg# #patellar-other position-luxation# #knee joint-growth plate-PGR#

20221125-【Patellar luxation】A Poodle, PGR surgery successfully

Weihai Miguo Animal Hospital of ShandongDr. Zhou2023-01-04 631

A Poodle, 6 years old, male (uncastrated), 13 Kg. After diagnosis, the dog was found to be unable to stand properly on both hind limbs, showing X-shaped legs. Palpation of the patella revealed that the patella was dislocated and could not be reset. The dog had bilateral hind limb muscle atrophy and the knee drawer test was negative. By DR imaging, the patella was dislocated outward in both hind limbs. The ridges of the trochlear groove were severely worn and the proximal tibia was externally rotated at a large angle. Severe arthritis was found to be existed. A decision was made to perform a trochlear groove + proximal tibial osteotomy, thereby correcting the patellar luxation. Intraoperatively, it was found that the articular surface was necrotic and severe deformity had occurred. The only option available was to correct the tibial angle by performing a PatellarGroove Replacement (PGR) + proximal tibial osteotomy as an emergency solution. The PGR-5 prosthesis was selected for the right side of the leg and the PGR-4 prosthesis was selected for the left side. TheTPLO surgerywas used to correct the tibial angle. Internal fixation was performed using BlueSAO TPLO-6.5mm pure titanium locking bone plate. The surgery went well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Thanks to Dr. Zhou from Weihai Miguo Animal Hospital of Shandong province bringing us the case.

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