#Cat# #5Months# #1.5kg# #ilium-other position-luxation#

20180920 -【Fracture of ilium and luxation of sacrum-illium】A cat , fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Chengdu Jingxi Animal HospitalDr. Zhou2019-01-08 1490

A stray cat, 5 months old, male, 1.5kg, injured for unknown reasons, picked up by a kind person and sent to the hospital for treatment, suffered from a fracture of the right ilium, a luxation of the left sacrum-illium and a fracture of acetabular fossa. Considering the problem of defecation, we fixed the right ilium with BlueSAO PRCL-5mm locking plate . Best wishes for an early recovery!

Thanks for Dr. Zhou from Chengdu Jingxi Animal Hospital of Sichuan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO