#Dog# #24Months# #6.5kg# #ilium-other position-oblique fracture#

20181006 -【Oblique fracture of ilium】A Border Collie, fixed with T-shape locking plate of PRCL- M system successfully

Chongqing Saintly Animal HospitalDr. Li2019-01-08 1402

A Border Collie, 2 years old, female, 6.5kg, injuredby a traffic accident, caused a right iliac oblique fracture,fixed with BlueSAO T-shape-8mm locking plateof PRCL-M system. Hope the guy recovery soon.Nice work!

Thanks for Dr. Li from Chongqing Saintly Animal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO