#Dog# #24Months# #20kg# #femur-middle-transverse fracture#

20181030 -【Comminuted fracture of the middle femur】A Samoyed dog, fixed with PRCL-L and PRCL-M system reparation successfully

Wuhan Weiwei Animal HospitalDr. Shao2018-11-02 3380

A Samoyed dog, 2 years old, female, 20 kg, had been done surgery in other hospital several months ago. Also use our PRCL locking plate system, but the bone plate was shorter, the intramedullary pin was thinner and not using locking screws, caused surgery failed, and got claudication shortly after surgery. Through DR examination, we found thatsomescrews were loose and broken, and a large amount of bonecallus was generated due to unstable internal fixation. There was infection at the surgical site and the femur was dissolved.

We removed the bone plate and intramedullary pin, repaired it by using BlueSAO PRCL-9mm + 10mm double plates to fix it, at the same time filled with artificial bone. A hard work , we did it ! Hope her recover soon, good luck!

Thanks for Dr. Shao from Wuhan Weiwei Animal Hospital of Hubei province bringing us the case.


Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO