#Dog# #36Months# #73kg# #knee joint-other position-other fracture# #patellar-other position-luxation# #knee joint-other position-TPLO#

20181015 -【the rupture of anterior cruciate ligament and internal patellar luxation of knee joint】A Caucasian Shepherd Dog, fixed with TPLO system successfully

Guangzhou YY Animal HospitalDr. Wu2018-11-07 1517

A Caucasian Shepherd Dog, about 3 years old, 73kg , both legs suffered from the rupture of anterior cruciate ligament, and had a internal patellar luxation of right leg. We do a TPLO surgery on right leg, and a few days later we do another one. A huge dog, a hard work !

Thanks for Dr. Wu from Guangzhou YY Animal Hospital of Guangdong province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO