#Dog# #72Months# #5kg# #tibia-middle-other fracture#

20230625-【Fracture of distal tibia】A Poodle, fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Beijing Quanxinquanyi Chongai banlv Animal HospitalDr.Han2023-07-27 373

A Poodle, 6 years old, male, 5kg, injured by a accidental fall, caused a fracture of distal tibia. ThedoubleBlueSAO PRCL-6.5mmlocking plateswereused for internal fixation on the medial and cranial sidesof the femur during the surgery. The reduction of the fracture site was very good. Best wishes for an early recovery

Thanks to Dr.Han from Beijing Quanxinquanyi Chongai banlv Animal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO