#Dog# #48Months# #33kg# #hip joint-other position-dysplasia# #hip joint-other position-THR#

THR Surgery of Hip Dysplasia in a Hybrid Dog — Dr. Giuseppe Granados from Peru

Sono-Vet Pet Hospital of Lima, PeruDr. Giuseppe Granados2024-02-02 369

A hybrid dog of labrador retriever and Siberian husky, Zacapa, 4 years old, male, 33kg,was brought to the Sono-Vet Pet Hospital of Lima, Peru. Dr. Giuseppe Granados diagnosed the dog with hip dysplasia and decided to perform a THR surgery using the BlueSAO Biological Hip Replacement System.

We did the surgery by using a φ28mm biological cup, a 16mm (+0) femoral head, a #7 biological stem, and a φ18mm side bolt. The dog is recovering well from the surgery. Best wishes for an early recovery.

Thanks to Dr. Giuseppe Granados (Sono-Vet Pet Hospital of Lima, Peru)for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO Biological Hip Replacement System.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO