A Bichon Frise, 10 years old, male, 6kg.
The dog was received with complete inability to bear weight in both hind limbs on visualization and positive drawer test on palpation in both hind limbs anteriorly. DR radiographs with lateral films showed anterior displacement of both tibiae, and it was diagnosed as anterior cruciate ligament rupture of both hind limbs. Accurate preoperative planning was made by BlueSAO iBlueVet, and he was fixed with BlueSAO TPLO-5.5mm pure titanium locking plate for internal fixation of both limbs.Postoperative forward movement tests of both limbs were negative, and he could bear weight on the 2nd postoperative day, and was able to walk well when he was rechecked at the 7th postoperative week.
Thanks to Dr. Director Li Yongqi (Tianjin Huating Animal Hospital) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO TPLO lockingplate system.
Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO