#Dog# #9Months# #15kg# #hip joint-other position-dysplasia# #hip joint-other position-luxation# #hip joint-other position-THR#

A Clincal Case Sharing of Bionic Hip Joint System in a Collie by the Surgical Team of Chengdu Mayo Pet Hospital and Dr. Zhou Luoping of Shanghai Baicui Animal Hospital

Surgical Team of Chengdu Mayo Pet Hospital、Shanghai Baicui Animal HospitalSurgical Team of Chengdu Mayo Pet HospitalDr. Zhou2024-07-03 256

A collie, 9 months old, female, 15kg, suffered from hip dysplasia and old luxation resulting in a malunion of a dorsal fracture of the right acetabular head. As such, we decided to perform a THR surgery by using a φ21mm bionic cup, a φ16mm PEEK femoral head, a #4 biological stem, an M+0 femoral neck, and a φ 14mm side bolt of BlueSAO Bionic Hip Joint System for replacing the right hip joint. The surgery was completed successfully. Best wishes for an early recovery.

Thanks to the Surgical Team of Chengdu Mayo Pet Hospital and Dr. Zhou Luoping of Shanghai Baicui Animal Hospital for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO Bionic Hip Joint System.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO