#Dog# #36Months# #32kg# #hip joint-other position-other fracture# #tarsal-other position-other fracture# #hip joint-other position-THR#

A Clinical Case Sharing of Bionic Hip Joint System in a Samoyed Dog by Dr. Wu Junjie from Ai - Bi Veterinary Medicine Center of Nanjing

Ai - Bi Veterinary Medicine Center of NanjingDr. Wu Junjie2024-07-03 280

A Samoyed dog, 3 years old, male, 32kg, presented with congenital hip joint laxity and tarsal joint laxity. The dog underwent a left hip replacement two years ago at 11 months of age and the same hip replacement this year due to severe arthritic hyperplasia in the right hip. Intraoperatively, a φ23mm bionic cup, a φ18mm PEEK femoral head, a #6 biological stem, an M+0 femoral neck, and φ16mm side bolt of BlueSAO Bionic Hip Joint System were adopted for replacement. Postoperatively, weight-bearing on the operated side was rapidly restored with good range of motion, and tarsal joint laxity still to be protected with protective equipment. The surgery was completed successfully. Best wishes for an early recovery.

Thanks to Dr. Wu Junjie (Ai - Bi Veterinary Medicine Center of Nanjing) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO Bionic Hip Joint System.

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