#Dog# #11Months# #femoral head-other position-other fracture# #hip joint-other position-THR#

THR Surgery of Femoral Head Necrosis in a Jack Russell Terrier — Dr. Zhou Luoping from Shanghai Baicui Animal Hospital

Shanghai Baicui Animal HospitalDr. Zhou Luoping2024-07-03 295

Honey, an 11-month-old female Jack Russell Terrier, is very lively and active. She was found to have a lameness on her left hind leg when she was ten months old, and was later examined and diagnosed with necrosis of the femoral head. As such, we decided to perform a THR surgery. Intraoperatively, we used the BlueSAO Micro & Nano Hip Replacement System for replacement.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO