#Dog# #4Months# #3kg# #radius-other position-other fracture# #ulna-other position-other fracture#

20181019 -【Fracture of radius and ulna】A stray dog, fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Chengdu Jing Xi Animal HospitalDr. Zhou2019-02-27 1035

A stray dog, 4 months old, 3kg, suffered from a fractureof radius and ulna, was sent to our hospital for treatment by a kind person. We fixed it by using BlueSAO PRCL-S5mm+S6.5mm locking plates,perfect reduction, hope the guy recover soon.

Thanks for Dr. Zhou from Chengdu Jing Xi Animal Hospital of Sichuan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO