#Cat# #7Months# #2.6kg# #humerus-other position-old fracture#

20180928 -【Old fracture of humerus】A stray cat, fixed with PRCL-M system and intramedullary pin successfully

Hefei Zhongshan Animal HospitalDr. Zhang2018-11-08 2679

A stray cat, about 7 monthsold, male, 2.6kg, was picked up by one of our customers, suffered froman old fracture of the humerus, callus has been formed, fixed with BlueSAO PRCL-8mmlocking plate + intramedullary pin, hope the guy recovery soon.

Thanks for Dr. Zhang from Hefei Zhongshan Animal Hospital of Anhui province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO