A border collie, nickname: Qiaoqiao,1 year and 5 months old, female, 24kg.With lameness in both hind limbs for half a year, which gradually worsened, the dog now had difficulty in standing up with severe muscle atrophy and limited knee extension. She was very sensitive to pain was resistant to examination. Her knee joint in the flexion under sedation was tested positive for a drawer test, which was diagnosed as the bilateral rupture of cranial cruciate ligament combined with X-rays. As such, we decided to perform a TPLO surgery.
Accurate operative planning was made by BlueSAO iBlueVet, a #21 saw blade was used for osteotomy and the BlueSAO TPLO-9.5mm pure titanium locking plate was adopted for internal fixation intraoperatively. The surgery was completed successfully, and the locking plate and screws are working well. Best wishes for an early recovery.
Thanks toDr. Li Dapeng (Shenyang Referral Center of RINGPAI Pet Hospital)for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO TPLO locking plate system.
Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO