#Cat# #4.5kg# #tarsal joint-other position-oblique fracture# #tarsal joint-other position-Arthrodesis#

20190218 -【Old fracture of tarsal joint】A cat , fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Beijing Aifu Animal HospitalDr. Niu2019-02-27 1200

A cat, 4.5kg, suffered from an old fracture of right tarsal joint. The affected limb cannot be used and the muscles were severely atrophied. During the surgery, we found that he suffered from severe arthritis and a fracture of articular surface. So we used BlueSAO PRCL-S6.5mm locking plate+two kirschner wires by Cross-Fixation. The surgery was completed successfully. Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for Dr. Niu from Beijing Aifu Animal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO