#Cat# #patellar-other position-luxation# #femur-other position-luxation# #patellar-other position-PGR#

20180223 -【Luxation of femoral head and patellar】A cat, PGR surgery successfully

Beijing Aifu Animal HospitalDr. Niu2019-03-07 1388

A cat, namedSansan, suffered from bilateral grade 4 patellar luxation. Hisleft femoral head was dislocated. We didthe FHO surgery on his left leg, and the bilateral patella dislocation repaired surgeries. Wedidthe PGR surgery on the right leg.

One dayafterthesurgery, the little guy can stand up and move immediately. Fighting!

3 days after surgery, the guycan walk normally!

10 days after surgery,the little guy was discharged from hospital.

Thanks for Dr. Niufrom Beijing AifuAnimal Hospital bringing us the case.

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