A Welsh Corgi dog, 4 years and 9 months old, female, 14.5kg,presented with intermittent lameness. The drawer test of the knee joint of the left hind limb showed positive result; a standard positioning x-ray was taken which revealed exudate in the articular cavity of the knee joint and osteophyte hyperplasia on the articular surface. Based on this, we diagnosed this dog with rupture of cranial cruciate ligament of the left hind limb and decided to treat it with the TPLO surgery. Accurate preoperative planning was made by BlueSAO iBlueVet, and the dog's ligament was internally fixed with BlueSAO TPLO-6.5mm L-type pure titanium locking plate. The surgery was completed successfully. Best wishes for an early recovery.
Thanks to Dr. Zhang Liyuan (Chengdu Saintly Animal Hospital) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAO TPLO locking plate system.
Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO