#Dog# #132Months# #4.2kg# #patellar-other position-luxation# #knee joint-other position-PGR#

A Clinical Case Sharing of BlueSAO Biological PGR System -- The First Case in Chengdu

Chengdu Jingxi Pet HospitalDr. Zhou Wenqiang2025-03-13 30

Breed: Poodle, nickname: Coffee

Age: 11 years old

Sex: male

Weight: 4.2kg

The dog has been experiencing frequent lamb hopping on the left hind limb for several months. The palpation revealed a relaxed joint capsule and a Grade II distal external patellar luxation. As such, we decided to perform a PGR surgery on this dog. Accurate preoperative planning was made by BlueSAO iBlueVet. During the surgery, the BlueSAO Biological PGR System with a press-fit biological #3 implantwas used for replacement.Postoperative examination of knee flexion and extension showed good results, and patellar sliding position was stable. Best wishes for an early recovery.

Thanks to Dr. Zhou Wenqiang (Chengdu Jingxi Pet Hospital) for sharing the clinical case of BlueSAOBiological PGR System.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO