#Dog# #96Months# #5kg# #patellar-other position-luxation# #femur-other position-other fracture# #patellar-other position-PGR#

20181223 -【Patellar luxation】A Poodle, PGR surgery successfully

Beijing Aifu Animal HospitalDr. Niu2019-03-07 1493

A Poodle, 8 years old, 5kg, suffered from hyperplasia of femoral head on left leg and grade 3 patellar luxation on right leg. During the surgery,we found that she suffered from severe wear of patellar groove, arthritis and hyperplasia. So we did PGR surgery. The surgery was completed successfully. Best wishes for an early recovery!

Thanks for Dr. Niu from Beijing Aifu Animal Hospital bringing us the case.

preoperative video

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