#Dog# #12Months# #35kg# #tibia-middle-comminuted fracture# #fibula-middle-comminuted fracture#

20180702 -【Comminuted fracture of tibia and fibula】A Labrador Retriever, fixed with PRCL-L system successfully

Langfang Jinyuan Animal HospitalDr. Liu2018-11-12 1472

A Labrador Retriever, one year old, male, 35kg, hit by a big truck, caused bilateral tibial-fibular comminuted fractures. We fixed his right leg with double BlueSAO PRCL-11mm locking plates, and fixed the left leg with BlueSAO PRCL-11mm locking plate +φ3mm intramedullary pin. Hope you recovery soon and live up to your master and our efforts!

Thanks for Dr. Liu from Langfang Jinyuan Animal Hospital of Hebei province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO