#Dog# #8.5Months# #30kg# #hip joint-other position-dysplasia#

20180527 -【Canine Hip Dysplasia】A Golden Retriever, fixed with DPO bone plate successfully

Shenzhen YY Union Animal HospitalDr. Zhou2019-03-09 1567

A Golden Retriever,male, 8.5monthsold,30Kg,suffered from an intermittent claudication two weeks ago. The use of painkillers improved symptoms , but there was still intermittent claudication.

CHD (Canine Hip Dysplasia) examination:

1. Ortolani test

Left leg :negative ; Right leg: positive.

2. AS(Angle of Subluxation) and AR(Angle of Reduction) test

Left leg: AS: 5°, AR: 18°

Right leg: AS: 13°, AR: 27°

3. DI(Distraction Index) test

Left leg: DI: 0.26

Right leg: DI: 0.5

Diagnostic results: The dogsuffered from hip laxity of right leg and had a mild to moderate risk of Canine Hip Dysplasia.

Treatment:According to the result of examination, we dida DPO surgery on this dog, looking forward to his recovery.

Thanks for Dr. Zhou from Shenzhen YY Union Animal Hospital bring us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO