#Dog# #96Months# #3.1kg# #patellar-other position-other fracture# #patellar-other position-PGR#

20190703 -【Patellar dislocation】A Poodle, PGR surgery successfully

Hangzhou Hongtai Animal HospitalDr. Liu2019-07-09 1367

A Poodle, named Biqiu, 8 years old, 3.1kg, suffered from bilateral patellar dislocation. His left knee joint was severely worn out due to prolonged dislocation. So we did PGR surgery for the dog with BlueSAO PGR system. We did arthrodesis for right knee joint because of severe hypertrophic arthritis. One week after surgery, the dog recovered well. In the future, he will recover better.

Thanks for Dr. Liu from Hangzhou Hongtai Animal Hospital of Zhejiang province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO