#Dog# #24Months# #4.2kg# #ilium-other position-other fracture#

20190703 -【Fracture of ilium】A Poodle, fixed with T-shape locking plate of PRCL-S system successfully

surgical team from Fuyang Youhuo Animal Hospital2019-07-12 1212

A Poodle, named Mango, 2 years old, female, 4.2kg, injured while playing outside, caused sacrum-illium luxation and fractures of ilium and femoral head. We did a Femoral Head Ostectomy and fixed her ilium with BlueSAO T-shape locking plate of PRCL-S6.5mm system. The surgery was completed successfully. Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for the surgical team from Fuyang Youhuo Animal Hospital of Anhui province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO