#Dog# #18Months# #17.5kg# #femur-middle-old fracture#

20181020 -【Old fracture malunion of femur】A Labrador, fixed with PRCL-L system successfully

Chongqing Saintly Animal Medical CenterDr. Li2018-11-02 2198

A Labrador, 18months, 17.5 kg, suffered from an old fracture malunion of the left femur, caused patellar dislocation and claudication. We repaired it with BlueSAO PRCL-11mm locking plate + intramedullary pin and TTTT surgery. The surgery time is 100 minutes.

Thanks for Dr. Li from Chongqing Saintly Animal Medical Center bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO