#Dog# #72Months# #8.3kg# #knee joint-other position-TPLO# #knee joint-other position-rupture of cranial cruciate ligament#

20191002 -【Rupture of cranial cruciate ligament】A dog, fixed with TPLO-S system successfully

Shenzhen YY Union Animal HospitalDr. Zhou2019-11-28 2679

A dog, 6 years old, 8.3kg, suffered from rupture of bilateralcranial cruciate ligament.

The Cranial Drawer Test of left leg was not obvious.He had arthritis in his left leg, TPA:28°. We did a TPLO surgery by using saw blade-12mm and BlueSAO TPLO-S6.5mm locking plate,moved 6mm. Meanwhile, we deepened the pulley groove and moved tibial tubercle.

The right knee-joint had arthrofibrosis and was stable, so we didn't do anything.

Thanks for Dr. Zhou from Shenzhen YY Union Animal Hospital bring us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO