#Dog# #24Months# #7kg# #tibia-other position-comminuted fracture#

20200806 -【Comminuted fracture of tibia】A Bichon Frise, fixed with PRCL-M system successfully

Luzhou Unique Animal Hospitalsurgical team2020-08-10 1099

A Bichon Frise, named Lucky, 2 years old, male, 7kg, nippedhisleginthedoor accidentally, caused a comminuted fractureof right tibia, fixed with BlueSAO PRCL-M8mmlocking plate+pin. The surgery was completedsuccessfully.Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for the surgical team from Luzhou Unique Animal Hospital Sichuan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO