#Cat# #36Months# #8.5kg# #tibia-other position-comminuted fracture# #fibula-other position-comminuted fracture#

20201214 -【Comminuted fracture of tibia and fibula】A cat, fixed with PRCL-M system successfully

Chengdu Jingxi Animal HospitaDr. Zhou2020-12-25 1002

A cat, male, 3 years old, 8.5kg, suffered from bilateralsacrum-illium luxationand a comminuted fracture of tibia and fibula. We fixed the sacrum-illiumwith a lag screwand fixed the tibia with BlueSAO PRCL-M9mmlocking plate+intramedullary pin. The surgery was completedsuccessfully.Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for Dr. Zhoufrom Chengdu JingxiAnimal Hospitalof Sichuan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO