#Cat# #10Months# #4.6kg# #femur-distal-comminuted fracture#

20201221 -【Comminuted fracture of distal femur】A British Shorthair cat, fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Yinchuan Jien Animal HospitalDr. Sun2020-12-25 1122

A British Shorthair cat, 10 months old, male(castrated), 4.6kg. The owner accidentally hit the cat’s right hind leg while trying to drive it away with a broom, resulting in a comminuted fracture of the cat'sright distal femur. We fixed the femur with double BlueSAO PRCL-S6.5mmlocking plates. The surgery was completedsuccessfully.Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for Dr. Sun from Yinchuan Jien Animal Hospital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO