#Dog# #108Months# #1.6kg# #patellar-other position-luxation# #knee joint-other position-PGR#

20220112 -【Patellar luxation】A Yorkshire Terrier, PGR surgery successfully

Harbin Song Yisheng Animal HospitalDr. Han2022-02-21 680

A Yorkshire Terrier, 9 years old, male, 1.6Kg, suffered from grade 3 patellar luxation with severe knee wear. The surgical plan used TTTT+PGR surgery (patellargroove replacement). The BlueSAOPGR-2 prosthesis was used during the surgery. The surgery was successful and we wish hima speedy recovery.

Thanks for Dr. Han from Harbin Song Yisheng Animal Hospital of Heilongjiang province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO