#Dog# #48Months# #10kg# #patellar-other position-luxation# #knee joint-other position-PGR#

20220530 -【Patellar luxation】A Shiba Inu, PGR surgery successfully

Wuhan Weiwei Animal HospitalDr. Shao2022-06-20 704

A Shiba Inu, 4 years old, female, 10 Kg, suffered from bilateral grade IV lateral dislocation of the patella. The lateral dislocation was caused by complex factors. Surgical treatment is very difficult. In addition, the knee joint has a large amount of osteophytes and the cartilage in the trochleargroove is ivory (chronic pain). The walking posture is basically semi-squatting. In order to improve animal welfare and surgical cure rate, the final choice was to use patellargroovereplacement (PGR) surgery. The BlueSAOPGR-4 prosthesis was used for replacement during the surgery. The surgery went well and a speedy recovery is expected.

Thanks to Dr. Shao from Wuhan Weiwei Animal Hospital of Hubei province bringing us the case.

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