#Dog# #4Months# #6.5kg# #tibia-middle-oblique fracture#

20181121 -【Oblique Fracture of middle tibia】A Welsh Corgi,fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Hefei Bangni Animal HospitalDr. Zhao2019-01-08 1395

A Welsh Corginamed Tuanzi, male, 4 months old, 6.5kg, very excited and happy on his master’s birthday and jumped off the bed, caused a oblique fracture of the left middle tibia, fixed with BlueSAO PRCL-6.5mm locking plate.

The surgery went very well. Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for Dr.ZhaofromHefei BangniAnimal Hospital of Anhui province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO