#Dog# #12Months# #3.2kg# #femur-other position-other fracture# #pelvis-other position-other fracture#

20180808 -【Fracture of femur and pelvis】A Pomeranian dog, fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Yize Animal HospitalDr. Jia2019-01-08 1522

A Pomeranian dog named Qiuqiu, one year old, male,3.2kg,suffered from a femoral fracture and a pelvic comminuted fracture, fixed with BlueSAO PRCL-6.5mm locking plates. Nice work! Hope the guy recovery soon.

Thanks for Dr. Jia from Yize Animal Hospital ofthe Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regionbringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO