#Dog# #6Months# #8kg# #tibia-proximal-other fracture# #fibula-proximal-other fracture#

20180511 -【Fracture of proximal tibia and fibula】A Miniature Pinscher, fixed with PRCL-S system successfully

Beijing Aifu Animal HospitalDr. Niu2019-01-08 1415

A Miniature Pinscher, 6 months old, male, 8kg, suffered from a fracture of proximal tibia and fibula, fixed with double BlueSAO PRCL-S locking plates +Intramedullary pin.

Two months after the surgery, the dog has recovered well and the plates have been removed.

Thanks for Dr. Niu from Beijing Aifu Animal Hospital bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO