#Cat# #12Months# #10kg# #hip joint-other position-THR# #femoral head-other position-other fracture#

THR surgery for bilateral femoral head slip fractures in a one-year-old Maine cat

Kunming Hengjia Animal HospitalDu Lang2023-05-10 406

Breed: Maine Cat, Name: Tiger, Age: 1 year old, Sex: Male ( castrated), Weight: 10 kg.

This cat suffered from bilateral femoral head slip fractures. The pet owner considered the option of total hip replacement. The decision was made to perform THR on the left side of the affected limb first. We performed the surgery using BlueSAO cemented Micro&Nano Hip System.

Implants: #3 cemented femoral stem, 14mm cemented cup, 8mm (+0) femoral head.

The surgery was relatively uneventful. Imaging results showed good status of the implants postoperatively. Recovery was excellent. A two-week postoperative review showed greater muscle mass in the affected leg than preoperatively. The appropriate time was chosen for surgery on the other leg.

Pet photo:

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO